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Move Points Onto String

This allows the user to move surveyed points onto the road centreline.

This Option changes E/N/H co-ords of points!

Road String
Select the road string with the mouse, the name will be displayed

Select Points layers
This option allow you to select point by group, layer etc.
These are the points which will be moved onto the string.

Max Dist from String
Points further than this distance (perpendicular) will not be moved.

Press this button to Move The Points.
Note: Some points may not be moved if they are too far away (see Max Dist above), or
if they do not lie so that a line perpendicular to a line segment intersects a line segment.

Move Selected Points
Press this button to Move The Points.
Note: Some points may not be moved if they are too far away (see Max Dist above), or
if they do not lie so that a line perpendicular to a line segment intersects a line segment.

A list of the points which have been moved and those which could not be moved is displayed.
You can save the listing to a file if necessary.
Move Selected Points Onto String 'ELFICK PL'  08-Sep-2017 18:46:15
4 Points Selected
2.000 = Max Offset from String
Option 3 - Interpolate All Heights

Pt 323 - moved onto String, New Height=94.775
Pt 324 - moved onto String, New Height=95.416
Pt 543 - moved onto String, New Height=93.810

258 - Point rejected, not moved onto String

3 Points Moved
1 Points Rejected